Video Landing Pages
Written by Zachary Zielezinski
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created a video on the MediaMobz platform you can quickly publish it.

Fast, easy and complete mobile publishing provided by our mobile landing pages for marketing, sales, training, products and much more. Videos published to Mages can be those hosted on the MediaMobz platform as well as YouTube videos.


  • Mobile landing page published in minutes

  • SEO optimization

  • Upload videos, incorporate your branding (logos, colors)

  • Template design as easy as paint-by-numbers

  • HTML easily embeds in CRM, Email marketing software

  • Duplicates at scale…create 1 or 1,000 in minutes

  • Simply click to add social sharing and attachments


  • Collect leads, registrations

  • Brand consistency

  • Multivariate testing (headline, copy, CTA, videos, thumbs, etc.) made simple

  • Responsive design (mobile ready)

  • DIY content syndication

  • Social engagement and integration

How to Create Mpages

  • From the Dashboard, click “Publishing”.

  • Click the green “Create Mpage” icon.

  • A pop-up window appears “Create a New Mpage. Create a landing page to showcase media or generate leads. The tile will be the URL name. 

  • Create  Mpage Title. Then click “Create” or “Cancel”. Clicking “Create” takes you to the Mpage Creation Wizard.

Mpage Creation Wizard

Note: at any point during the creation of your Mpage you can click the “Preview” button to see your work in progress. You can also at any time delete or publish the Mpage.

  • At the top of the Wizard is the Mpage URL you created (see above)

  • Layout - Choose Which template you would like to use. Templates vary in terms of how many videos you can add to the Mpage, as well as the positioning of the videos, and the layout of the copy, etc. The very last template on the bottom of this page is a special template that is not public-facing. It is used to generate embed codes and i-frames to enable seamless presentation of videos on websites.

  • Upload an Image for your page background. We recommend a minimum of 1280 x 800 pixels. Smaller images will work, but may appear grainy on larger screens. Upload a background image from either “Browse Media Library” or “Upload From Computer”

  • Add Media. Upload your video or audio file from your media library or your computer. Alternatively you can paste in a link from a YouTube video.Click and drag the green arrows to reorder your media playlist. Click on the “red X” to delete a media asset.

  • Headline. Type in your article title in the provided window. Note that for headlines and body copy the Mpage Wizard offers standard editing tools for font families, size, colors, bullets, URL links, and source code.

  • Body Copy. Type in your article’s body company in the provided window.

  • Attachments. Add optional attachments from your media library or from your computer. Attachments can be, PDFs, audio files, word docs, images, etc. Each attachment can be gated (Gather Lead info before user is allowed to download this file) or open access. For more details on this see below section on Lead Generation. Click and drag the green arrows to reorder your attachments. Click on the “red X” to delete an attachment

  • Lead Generation offers viewers the option to submit their information in return for your content. Toggle the Lead Generation button on or off to enable or disable this feature. When users fill out your form, the information will be available on your publishing dashboard by clicking this icon. The Lead Generation template gives you another opportunity to determine which attachments are gated or accessible.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is where you can edit your Mpage title/description and add keywords to help boost your SEO. “Type in page title here”. The words in the title tag are what appear in the clickable link on the search engine results page and can result in more clickthroughs when done well. Title tags should contain your specific keyword phrases

  • Write attention grabbing titles the same way you would when writing a headline for an article

  • 70 characters is the recommended character length and must be under 255 characters

  • Description. Type in page description in the provided text window. This provides a concise explanation of the contents of your web page and is extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages. Your description is an opportunity to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly what your web page has with regard to what they are searching for. This is also the copy displayed if you or someone shares the page on a Facebook Timeline. Your description serves the function of advertising copy, drawing readers to click through to your web page

  • To maximize click-through rates, use relevant keywords to write compelling descriptions that a searcher will want to click Must be under 255 characters

  • Keywords. Type in keywords in the provided text window; make sure to separate keywords with commas.

  • Your Meta Keywords is a brief and concise list of the most important themes on your page. When writing your meta keywords list, start by scanning the copy on your web page. Then make a list of the most important terms that you find on the page. Read through the list and pick the 10 or 15 terms that most accurately describe the content of the page.

  • Additional Tips. Separate keywords with commas. Recommended number of keywords is around 10 -15. Must be under 255 characters

  • Social Media. Choose the Social Media icons you would like displayed on your Mpage: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Digg, Tumblr, and Delicious

When a reader of your Mpage clicks on one of your social icons, it will open that reader’s social media account posting window, which will be pre-populated by the Mpage URL. The reader may then comment and post.

  • Set password. Click to enable/disable. Setting a password will require all users authorize, before accessing this Mpage. Mpages are often used for internal corporate review. Setting a password ensures that only authorized users can view the Mpage.

  • Analytics. Here you can add your Google Analytics code to track your page views. If you want your microsite to report back to your Google Analytics install, paste your tracking code in the box above. It should be in the format of a UA-#######-#

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