Planning your project
Written by Zachary Zielezinski
Updated over a week ago

Starting Projects

The success of storytelling content creation projects hinges on effective planning, execution, and management. GLX offers a powerful platform that simplifies these processes, enabling organizations to focus on producing engaging content.

This section aims to guide organizations on how to start projects with GLX by covering three key steps: planning your project, creating the project, and establishing your release guidelines.

In Brief: Starting Projects

By following these steps, organizations can harness the full potential of GLX to optimize their content creation process and deliver high-quality content that resonates with their target audience.

  • Planning your project: To create new content, plan a collaborative project, plan how to close content gaps, identify reusable assets, and focus on transforming long-form content into engaging short-form videos.

  • Creating the project: Creating a project involves: setting up a workspace, adding content to repurpose from the library, assembling a team, requesting assets from collaborators, planning reviews and feedback, and designating content finalizers.

  • Establishing your release guidelines: Establishing release guidelines ensures timely and trouble-free content finalization.

Summarize the planning for this type of project: collaboratively plan to address content gaps by reusing assets and transforming long-form content into engaging short videos.

Initiating Projects

To create compelling content, devise a collaborative project that addresses content gaps. Identify reusable assets and focus on transforming long-form content into engaging short-form videos. Collaboratively plan to address content gaps by identifying reusable assets and focusing on transforming long-form content into engaging short videos.

Project Planning

Before diving into the content creation process, it's crucial to plan your project effectively. In GLX, planning your project involves:

  • Collaboratively identifying content gaps and determining how to close them.

  • Identifying reusable assets to maximize the use of existing content.

  • Focusing on transforming long-form content into engaging short-form videos or other formats that better suit your audience's preferences.

By carefully planning your project, you can ensure that your content creation process is efficient and tailored to the specific needs of your target audience.


Next Article: Creating the project

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